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Health Humanities Graphic About Health Humanities:

The Health Humanities is an interdisciplinary field that bridges the gap between the arts, humanities, social sciences, and biomedical sciences, to foster a more compassionate, holistic approach to patient care. By integrating insights from literature, philosophy, ethics, and history, the discipline enhances our understanding of the social, cultural, and emotional dimensions of health, illness, and healing. By studying health and illness in their cultural, historical, and political contexts, students develop tools used to identify and address issues of health equity, inclusion, and justice.


The Fine Art of Health Care program unites students from a variety of disciplines in honing their skills of observation, collaboration, and ultimately of appreciation for each other’s views and expertise, to make all participants better patient caregivers.
Dr. Mikkael Sekeres, Professor of Medicine Chief, Division of Hematology Leukemia Section, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center

1 Hall JN, Woods N, Hanson MD. Is social sciences and humanities (SSH) premedical education marginalized in the medical school admission process? A review and contextualization of the literature. Acad Med. 2014; 89 (7): 1075-1086.
2 Howley L, Gaufberg E, King B. The Fundamental Role of the Arts and Humanities in Medical Education. Washington, DC: AAMC; 2020.
3 Stratton TD, Elam CL, McGrath MG. A liberal arts education as preparation for medical school: how is it valued? How do graduates perform? Acad Med. 2003; 78(10 suppl): S59-S61.

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