Constitution and By-Laws for the Wittenberg Role-Playing Guild
- The name for this organization shall be the "Wittenberg Role-Playing Guild." Also informally known as the "Guild."
- The Purpose of the Wittenberg Role-Playing Guild is to provide a common collective for all those interested in social games, such as role-playing and board games, as well as LARPs; to provide a system of communication between various gamers and gaming circles; and to promote the recreation and intellectual stimulation found in social games.
- Membership to the Wittenberg Role-Playing Guild is attained by being on the club's mailing list. If a more formal form of identification is needed by a third party outside of the university, the student's Wittenberg ID card will be used.
- There will be five officers for the Wittenberg Role-Playing guild. These officers, in order of rank, will be called President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Apprentice. The term for any of these offices will last from the university's opening in Fall Semester (first day of instruction) until the end of Spring Semester's finals week. All officers must abide by Wittenberg statutes concerning requisites to hold office, as well as behavior while in office, impeachment and removal from offices shall follow the procedure found in Robert's Rule of Parliamentary procedure. There must be at least three officers and three non-officers present to hold a meeting affecting the entire Role-Playing Guild. Officers will be nominated and elected before the end of Spring Semester.
- The duties of the President shall be as follows:
- Keep membership updated.
- Run Guild meetings, acting as Presiding Officer (as per Robert's Rules of Parliamentary Procedure).
- Attend Student Senate meetings that the Guild should be present for.
- They shall also hold the honorary title of Guild Master.
- The duties of the Vice-President shall be as follows:
- Fulfill the duties of President, should the President be absent from a meeting.
- Assist the President in informing members on actions, events and meetings.
- They will hold the honorary title of Vice-Guild Master.
- The duties of the Secretary shall be as follows:
- Take minutes at each meeting and keep a back record of all minutes.
- Keep all members informed about Guild actions, events, and meetings.
- Actively participate in keeping the Wittenberg community informed on Guild events and actions, in the effort to increase membership.
- They will hold the honorary title of Scribe.
- The duties of the Treasurer shall be as follows:
- Keep an accurate and up-to-date balance of all Guild funds and expenditures.
- Present suggestions for both savings and possible upcoming expenditures.
- Assist the President in proposing an annual budget to Student Senate.
- They will hold the honorary title of Goldmonger.
- The duties of the Apprentice shall be as follows:
- Understand and actively assist in the offices of Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
- Take over the responsibilities of any of the previously mentioned offices, except President, should the need arise.
- The duties of the President shall be as follows:
- Meetings of the Role-Playing Guild will be held monthly during the scholastic year. Should Wittenberg not be in session on the appropriate day, another day will be selected for the meeting by the President, after assessing the various Guild members' wishes. Special meetings may be called by any officer and must be announced at least three days before the meeting occurs.
- There will be no standing committees for the Wittenberg Role-Playing Guild. However, special committees can be formed as the need arises. Need shall be assessed following normal meeting procedure.
- While meetings will be held in an informal manner, the Wittenberg Role-Playing Guild will use Robert's Rules of Parliamentary Procedure in all matters of extreme conflict or formality, excluding cases where the Guild Constitution differs from Robert's Rules. In such cases, the Guild Constitution holds precedence.
- Amendments shall be dealt with using Robert's Rules of Parliamentary Procedure and must be presented as "New Business" at any given meeting. Amendments will require a 2/3 majority vote to be adopted into the constitution.
- The Wittenberg Role-Playing Guild shall not practice discrimination based on age, gender, race, sexual preference, or ethnicity.