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Telling Our Wittenberg Stories

Oral History Project Graphic

The Wittenberg experience is dedicated to intellectual inquiry and wholeness of person attained within a diverse residential community. Every Tiger has a story to tell, shaped by their unique experience at Wittenberg.

The Office of Advancement and Alumni Engagement created an opportunity for Wittenberg alumni to share their stories. Now that the collection is complete, we are thrilled to share a few of these unique stories that were compiled into a book celebrating Wittenberg's remarkable history.

Below, we have selected a few stories for online presentation from the hundreds we received. They are categorized as: Beloved Professors, Community Service, Greek Life, Life After Witt, Life At Witt, Student Organizations, Study Abroad, Tiger Athletics, Tiger Friendships, and Witt Wed Couples.

This opportunity is possible thanks to a partnership between Wittenberg and Publishing Concepts, Inc., (PCI). In addition to collecting stories, PCI assisted Wittenberg's Office of Advancement and Alumni Engagement with collecting updated biographical information from alumni to ensure we are able to stay connected with Tigers everywhere.

For those who ordered the Wittenberg University 2024 Oral History Project publication, the book is expected to be shipped by late 2024. If you have any questions about your order or you would like to order a digital version, please contact the publisher by emailing or calling 1-800-982-1590.

We’re grateful to everyone who participated in the project. We hope you’ll enjoy learning about our alumni as much as we did. Enjoy the selection of stories below!

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