Every gift matters and makes a difference

From all of us at Wittenberg, thank you for advancing our mission and supporting our students through your exceptional generosity this year. Having Light, you changed lives, and we are #WittProud to call you our alumni and friends.

Stats That Shine

For fiscal year 2021-22, the Wittenberg light inspired total giving in the amount of $14,719,090.83, the highest on record in recent history. Far beyond a “wow moment,” this record-setting success directly reflects the impact Wittenberg has made in so many lives. It also demonstrates that Wittenberg is a place worthy of investment where students, faculty, staff, and alumni know that our light is our legacy.

Light Shining Through Stained Glass in Weaver Chapel

Having Light, You Gave Generously


Total Giving


Households Gave


First-Time Donors


Alumni Participation


BPS Members

Lighting the Way

The Wittenberg light has shone brightly since 1845. Together, we can keep it lit for generations by giving to our $100-million Having Light: The Campaign for Wittenberg University.

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