A Selected List
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I. Books and Catalogs of Books
- EZRA- Wittenberg's online catalog
- OhioLINK- search items in Ohio member libraries
- - Combined catalog of thousands of libraries worldwide
For items not available from EZRA or OhioLINK, fill out this Interlibrary Loan book request form
Subject-Specific Encyclopedias:
Encyclopedia of Psychology. 8 vols. Ref. BF31.E52 2000
Encyclopedia of Religion. 14 vols. Ref. BL31 .E46 2005
Encyclopedia of Human Evolution and Prehistory. Main Stacks GN281.E53 2000
Worldmark Encyclopedia of Cultures and Daily Life.
Encyclopedia of Sociology. 5 vols. Ref. HM425.E5 2000
American Generations Series
International Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family. 4 vols. Main Stacks HQ9.E52 2003
Encyclopedia of Lesbian and Gay Histories and Cultures. 2 vols. Main Stacks HQ75.13 .E53 2000
Encyclopedia of Aging. 2 vols. Ref. HQ1061.E53 2001
Encyclopedia of Women and Gender. 2 vols. Main Stacks HQ1115.E43 2001
Encyclopedia of Adoption. Main Stacks HV875.55.A28 2000
Encyclopedia of Juvenile Justice. Main Stacks HV9104 .E58 2003
Encyclopedia of Education. 8 vols. Ref. LB15 .E47 2003
II. Guides to the Literature
SocioSite - has links to all manner of sociology-related information.
Some of the topics are: Subject Areas, Sociologists, Data Archives, NewsGroups, What's New? and Funny Science.
III. Statistics: A Sampler
General Sources
Statistical Universe
The United States Census site - From here you can click on the Related Sites box for links to International Agencies; State Data Centers; and Fedstats, which has links to more than 70 federal statistical agencies.
Forum on Child and Family Statistics - Statistics from the US government
Statistical Abstract of the U.S.
United Nations Statistics Division
ICPSR - The Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, based at the
University of Michigan "supplies data files for use with statistical software, such as SAS, "
SPSS, and Stata."
Statistical Yearbook from the United Nations. Ref. HA12.5 .U63
County and City Extra. Ref. HA 203 .C68 or County and City Databook 2000 -
A Statistical Portrait of the United States: Social Conditions and Trends Ref. HA214.S73 1998
Lifestyle Market Analyst. Ref. HF5415.33 .U6 L54 2002
Places Rated Almanac Ref. HN60.B69 2000
World Development Indicators- From the World Bank, this database provides comparative economic statistics from around the world.
Subject-specific statistics
State of the World's Children (from UNICEF)
Statistical Record of Black America. Ref. E185.5 .S83 4th ed 1997
The World's Women 2000: Trends and Statistics. Ref. HQ 1154 .W95 2000
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics. Ref. HV 7245 .N37b 1994
U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics -
Public Opinion - "An independent, nonpartisan resource on trends in American
public opinion." Sponsored by the Pew Charitable Trusts, this database "studies
public attitudes toward the press, politics, and public policy issues."
Gallup Organization - Provides the results of recent Gallup polls and explains how
the polls are conducted.
IV. Databases for Periodical Articles
SocINDEX with full text - comprehensive and high quality database for scholarly articles in sociology
Sociological Collection - search for articles in all areas of sociology
Other Databases:
Academic Search Complete - A good place to start research on any topic.
JSTOR - A good place to look for scholarly articles in many subjects.
Women's Studies International
International Index to Black Periodicals - Includes current and retrospective bibliographic citations and abstracts from over 150 scholarly and popular journals, newspapers and newsletters from the United States, Africa and the Caribbean and over 40 core Black Studies periodicals (1998 forward).
Ethnic NewsWatch - Full text of newspaper, magazine, and journal articles from the ethnic, minority, and native press.
GenderWatch - Full text of publications that focus on the impact of gender across a broad spectrum
of subject areas. Includes both scholarly and popular sources.
LGBT Life - Indexing and full text of articles on gay, lesbian and transgender issues.
of subject areas. Includes both scholarly and popular sources.
Social Science Citation Index (ISI) -
PsycINFO (Psychological Abstracts)
Or: For full access to all your many database options, go to the list of All Databases
on the Library home page.
V. Interlibrary Loan
To request books not availble from EZRA or OhioLINK: Fill out this book request form
To request articles not available from Wittenberg: Fill out this article request form.
VI. Citing Your Sources
Style guide for Sociology (based on the American Sociological Association (ASA) -- from Purdue's Online Writing Lab (OWL)
Official ASA style guide is in the library reference section: Ref HM569 .A54 2007
VII. People Help
For help contact Kristen Peters , who is library liaison with the Sociology Department. Or, contact the library reference desk by phone or email.
Originally compiled by Regina Entorf, Wittenberg University Library
With updates by KGP/1-9-16