This page is meant to give you basic places to begin your research. For more complex searches, ask a reference librarian.
I. Books
To find books and media on your topic:
EZRA: the Wittenberg University library catalog.
Start with a keyword search: e.g. springfield and history
Some useful titles about Springfield, Clark County, and Wittenberg:
Springfield and Clark County, Ohio - Ref. F499.S7 F4 1941
Who's Who in Ohio. Thomas Rare F490.W6 1930
Springfield, Ohio : In the Heart of the Mad River Valley -
Thomas Rare Oversize F499.S7 S7 1936
One Hundred Seventy-Five Years of Struggle: History of Black people in
Springfield, Ohio - Thomas Rare F499.S7 W5 1976
Springfield, Ohio City Directory - Ref. AY272.S7 W7
Note: Issues before 2005 are shelved in Ref. Storage.
Fourteenth census of population, 1920. Ohio. Clark Co. [microform]
Microforms HA 201 1920 .A15 no.1353 -1354
Springfield Ohio: A Progressive, Accessible, Industrial City. (1929)
In the OhioLINK catalog.
Springfield & Clark County : An Illustrated History -
Thomas Rare F499.S7 K56 1985
Heartland: An Exhibition from the Collection of the Heritage Center of Clark County -
Main Oversize F499.S7 K96 2001
Wittenberg: A Concise History - Ref. Desk LD6183.K45 1976
Wittenberg in Clark County 1845-1970 - Ref. Desk LD6183.K55 1970
For General Background on Society and Culture:
Chronology of World History - Ref. D11.M39
This Fabulous Century - Main Oversize E161.T55 v. 3 (1920-1930)
American Decades - E169.12 .A419 1994 v. 3 (1920-1929)
Historical Statistics of the United States: Ref. HA202.H57 2006
OhioLINK: merged catalogs of more than 80 Ohio academic libraries
II. Internet Resources
Clark County Historical Society | Clark County Public Library |
Text of the 1881 History of Springfield |
III. Finding Journal Articles
Guidelines on how to distinguish scholarly from popular articles
To find articles:
America: History and Life - "U.S. and Canadian history, prehistory to present".
No full text is provided, but article summaries are .
New York Times - Historical - Full text of the New York Times from its
inception in 1851 through 1999.
Readers' Guide Retrospective - Provides references to articles in popular American
magazines, 1890-1982. No full text, but we have many of the magazines
For other ideas, see the fullList of Indexes and Databases, with nearly 200
database options.
To locate journals:
At Wittenberg: Search Journals the Library Has, for a list of
magazines and journals that Wittenberg owns, both online and in hard copy.
At other academic libraries: Use Interlibrary Loan.
Locating journals can be tricky, difficult, and generally exasperating.
If you run into trouble, a reference librarian will be glad to assist you.
IV. People Help
Wittenberg librarians welcome your questions.
If you have any questions at all about your research--how to get started or how to proceed--contact us. We will respond promptly.
Reference Desk - - (Whoever sees it first will reply.)
Suzanne Smailes - - for Archives questions
Ken Irwin -
Alisa Mizikar -
Kristen Peters -
Compiled by Regina Entorf, Wittenberg University Library; updated by Doug Lehman
Last updated 6-14-07/RPE; 11-7-17/DKL