December 18, 2024
In the World

Award-Winning Program Founder

Dance Stomp Shake creator and Wittenberg philosophy professor recognized for philanthropic excellence

The Greater Springfield Association of Fundraisers (GSAFP) recently presented Wittenberg Professor of Philosophy Julius Bailey with its National Philanthropy Day Outstanding Philanthropist award for his work as the founder of Dance Stomp Shake.

Dance Stomp Shake first began in 2019 when members of Wittenberg's Concerned Black Students (CBS) approached Bailey about putting on a dance show. Students from CBS enthusiastically worked with Bailey, who is also director of African & Diaspora Studies and of Justice, Law & Public Policy at Wittenberg, to resurrect a new version of a dance program he had established during his time in Illinois more than two decades ago. This first show, which debuted in 2020, was met with success and enthusiasm from the Springfield community and youth dancers in the Midwest.

As part of Dance Stomp Shake, Bailey works with Amy Korpieski, museum educator at the Springfield Museum of Art, to host ‘Art That Bonds’ at the museum in February for area youth artists before the big Dance Stomp Shake show.

“I help connect art, artmaking, and our community, and I work with Dr. Bailey on one of the five initiatives of Dance Stomp Shake – Art That Bonds,” said Korpieski, who introduced Bailey for the award at the event. “Art That Bonds is a pop-up celebration of middle and high school visual art and spoken word held at the Springfield Museum of Art the week before the dance competition.

“Dance Stomp Shake helps turn on a particular light, the light of self-esteem and belief in oneself, through the arts,” she explained. “With a mission to promote student leadership, create safe spaces for youth entertainment, and to help youth envision and embody positive and productive lives, Dance Stomp Shake empowers youth through the arts.”

Bailey received the award during the GSAFP’s National Philanthropy Day event, Nov. 14, at the Ohio Masonic Home Festival Green Clubhouse. Celebrating GSAFP's seventh anniversary as a chapter and fundraising professionals who benefit Clark, Greene, and Champaign County communities, the event is meaningful not only to the charities’ constituents but also to many businesses that support nonprofits via donating, volunteering, and referring for valuable services.

In his acceptance speech, Bailey focused on the idea that "I am, because someone loved me," in speaking about his own challenges as a youth.

“Expelled from two grammar schools and two high schools, I only made it to the next school because there were folks in my community (outside of my family) who stood in the gap and wouldn’t let my knuckle-head actions have their way with my future,” said Bailey, who received the award based on nominations from the community,  “Someone stepped in and helped reshape my discipline issues into creative and meaningful leadership. Dance Stomp Shake seeks just that, namely, to allow the creative in young people to help bring forth self-love, self-reassurance, and self-mastery. We are proud to enter our fifth year.”

National Philanthropy Day, celebrated annually in November, is a special day dedicated to recognizing and honoring individuals, corporations, and nonprofit organizations that have significantly enhanced the spirit of philanthropy and made a profound difference in their communities. The day serves as a testament to the power of generosity and the positive change it can bring about.

“This accolade acknowledges the remarkable impact and invaluable contributions that you (Bailey) have made to our community,” said Kathryn Hitchcock, President Greater Springfield Association of Fundraisers in Bailey’s award letter. “The GSAFP firmly believes that you exemplify the core values and principles of philanthropy. As one nominator wrote, ‘Under Dr. Julius Bailey, Dance Stomp Shake promotes leadership in Springfield and the Miami Valley through mentoring, peer leadership, and team-related arts. Dr. Bailey models leadership, empowerment, skill development, conflict resolution, and community engagement opportunities for young people.’”

Other 2024 honorees included the Ohio State Extension, Master Gardener Volunteers as the Outstanding Nonprofit and Wallace & Turner Insurance as the Outstanding Philanthropic Business.

Cindy Holbrook
Cindy Holbrook
Senior Communications Assistant

About Wittenberg

Wittenberg's curriculum has centered on the liberal arts as an education that develops the individual's capacity to think, read, and communicate with precision, understanding, and imagination. We are dedicated to active, engaged learning in the core disciplines of the arts and sciences and in pre-professional education grounded in the liberal arts. Known for the quality of our faculty and their teaching, Wittenberg has more Ohio Professors of the Year than any four-year institution in the state. The university has also been recognized nationally for excellence in community service, sustainability, and intercollegiate athletics. Located among the beautiful rolling hills and hollows of Springfield, Ohio, Wittenberg offers more than 100 majors, minors and special programs, enviable student-faculty research opportunities, a unique student success center, service and study options close to home and abroad, a stellar athletics tradition, and successful career preparation.

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