Try One Search
Why use One Search?
- a single box searches across the spectrum of library content
- access to a variety of source types and materials
- direct links to online content
- filters make it easy to refine results by format, availability online, subject, etc.
Keep in Mind...
- One Search does not include all library resources - some must be searched separately
- in-depth research in a field is best accomplished by selecting a subject-specific database
- a library catalog, like EZRA or OhioLINK, is better for finding books when you know the title or author
- contact a librarian for help deciding which resource to search and which key terms to include
- you can still use search tips like phrase searching, Boolean operators, and truncation symbols
What does One Search search?
One Search results includes books, electronic books, scholarly articles, newspaper articles, digital video, digital images, government documents, and more. Many, but not all, of your favorite library resources are searched. The table below lists some popular resources and whether they are included in One Search. If a resource is in the "Not Included" column , it must be searched separately.
Included | Not Included |
Academic Search Complete | ComAbstracts |
America: History & Life | Lexis-Nexis |
Art Full Text | Mergent |
BIOSIS Previews | World Development Indicators |
Business Source Complete & Business Abstracts | |
Communication & Mass Media Complete | |
Credo Reference | |
EBSCO (all databases provided by EBSCO) | |
EconLit | |
Education Full Text | |
Education Research Complete | |
Environment Complete | |
EZRA | |
GeoRef | |
Historical Abstracts | |
International Political Science Abstracts | |
ISI/Web of Science | |
MEDLINE/PubMed | |
MLA International Bibliography | |
OhioLINK | |
PsycINFO | |
SocINDEX with Full Text | |
SPORTDiscus with Full Text |