Library Catalogs:
OhioLINK - Combined catalog of more than 70 Ohio academic libraries
WorldCat - Combined catalog of thousands of libraries (Use Interlibrary Loan)form to request materials
Indexes to Periodical Articles etc. for Political Science Research
Philosopher's Index | Index to articles and books in philosophy. |
International Political Science Abstracts | Produced by the International Political Science Association, this database includes current indexing and abstracts of the world's leading journals in political science. |
SocINDEX with full text | Index, abstracts, and full text covering sociology. |
Academic Search Complete | Contains full text for more than 3,600 scholarly publications, plus article summaries for 900 more journals. |
Women's Studies International | Indexes multidisciplinary scholarship in feminist research. |
GenderWatch | Full-text database. |
JSTOR | A searchable full-text archive of journal articles. The most recent articles are about five years old. |
New York Times - Historical | Full text of the New York Times from its inception in 1851 through 2003. Full text on Lexis-Nexis from the present back to June 1980. |
Or - look at the full list of Indexes and Databases.
III. Locating Journals:
- At Wittenberg:
Journals the Library HasAt other academic libraries:
- OhioLINK Central Catalog (Note: you usually cannot request periodicals through OhioLINK; use
- Interlibrary Loan instead.)
- Note: Locating journals can be tricky, difficult, and generally exasperating. If you run into trouble, a reference librarian will be glad to assist you.
IV. Search Engines:
V. Recommended Web Sites
General Political Science, Government, and Law
- The American Political Science Association - www.apsanet.org
- The Midwest Political Science Association - http://www.indiana.edu/~mpsa/
- The Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University - http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~cawp/ .
- U.S. Federal Government Agencies - http://www.lib.lsu.edu/gov/fedgov.html
- U.S. House of Representatives -http://www.house.gov/
- U.S. Senate - http://www.senate.gov/
- State & Local Government Links -http://www.piperinfo.com/state/index.cfm
- Constitutional Law and Constitutional History from the Pritzker Legal Research Center at Northwestern University
- Gail Partin's Web Guide to U.S. Supreme Court Research
Feminist and Postmodern Theory, and Feminist Activism
(with notes by Dr. Wright)
- Everything Postmodern - A general web site with excellent links to journals, zines, and individual thinkers.
- Contemporary Philosophy, Critical Theory and Postmodern Thought - General web site from the U. of Colorado.
- "Social Theory for Fans of Popular Culture" -from the U.K.
- Deconstruction on the Net, from the University of Minnesota.
- French Feminist Theory (with extensive links to indivisual theorists).
- Web site of the journal, "Critical Inquiry".
- Feminist theory link -
- The Feminist Theory Website -
- The Society for Women in Philosophy -
- Feminist Activist Resources on the Net -
- Feminist.Com -
- Gendergap.Com -
- The Feminist Majority Foundation -
- The National Organization of Women -
- The ThirdWave -
- Women's E-News -
- Bitch Magazine: A Feminist Response to Pop Culture -
- Bust Magazine -
- Ms. Magazine -
- Judy Horacek's work (she's a feminist artist) -
� �Women and Politics
- Emily's List (a political network for pro-choice Democratic Women) -
- The Wish List (pro-choice Republican Women) -
- The National Federation of Republican Women -
- Institute for Women's Policy Research -
- National Council for Research on Women -
- National Women's Political Caucus -
� �News/Media Resources
- National Public Radio -
- C-Span -
- The New York Times (Politics Section) -
- The Washington Post (On Politics Section) -
- Slate -
- Political Information.Com -
- Politics 1 -
- Dissent -
- The New Republic Online -
- The Nation -
- The American Prospect -
- The Atlantic Online -
VI. For documenting your sources:
- Chicago Manual of Style - "The standard in political theory." (H. Wright)
- A good website for citing electronic resources in APSA style i.e. info not contained on the APSA stylesheet link
VII. People Resources:
Contact Kristen Peters, who is library liaison with the Political Science Department, with a quick question or to set up an appointment for an individual consultation.
Or contact the reference desk via phone, email or IM.
Compiled by Regina Entorf, Wittenberg University Library
Last updated 1-07-08/KJG