ENGL 318: Women In Literature

Submitted by beecheym on

Selected Resources for ENGL 318: Women In Literature

Fall Semester 2006

Books | Periodicals | Web Sites


Locating Books in Library Catalogs

At Wittenberg:EZRA
At other Ohio LibrariesOhioLINK Catalog
In North America For ILLWorldCat

Indexes to periodicals for Literature, History and Women's Studies Research

MLA Bibliography (1963- )
Literature, languages, linguistics, and folklore from overjournals and series published worldwide.
Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature(ABELL)
Indexes monographs, periodical articles, critical editions of literary works, book reviews, collections of essays and doctoral dissertations about English language and literature published anywhere in the world from 1920-1997.
Historical Abstracts
Index to articles on history 1450-present; excludes U.S. and Canada
America: History and Life
U.S. and Canadian history, prehistory to present
ITER: Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Index to articles on Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Arts and Humanities Citation Index
Find newer articles that cite articles you already know about
Wilson Indexes (1984-present)
Covers academic journals in Humanities, Sciences and Social Science indexes.
Academic Search Complete
Indexes about 2000 periodicals -- both scholarly journals and popular magazines; covers 1986-Present, with some fulltext coverage starting in the early 1990s.

Selected Journals for Women's Writing and Various Periods

General Resources

ELH (Renaissance through 19th Century, English and American)
Journal of Gender Studies
Studies in English Literature 1500-1900
Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature
Women's Writing (no local holdings as of Fall 2006)

Medieval and Renaissance Sources

Journal of English and Germanic Philology Early Medieval
Exemplaria A journal of theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Speculum a journal of Medieval Studies
Medium Aevum Medieval
English Literary Renaissance Tudor/Early Stuart

Restoration through the Nineteenth Century Sources

Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 (no local holdings as of Fall 2006)
Eighteenth Century Fiction
Early American Literature
Studies in Romanticism
Romanticism The Journal of Romantic Culture and Criticism
Victorian Studies
Nineteenth-Century Literature English, American, British Empire

Finding Journals

At Wittenberg:
See our online list of Journals the Library Has
EZRA, the library catalog: Web EZRA | Telnet to Ezra

Compiled by Ken Irwin, kirwin@wittenberg.edu.
Last Updated

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