French 330: French Feminist Writing throughout History
Online Reference
- Credo Reference
- This database searches reference books. Try searching for an author or Écriture Féminine.
- Dictionary of Literary Biography
- This database contains critical and biographical information about authors.
Library catalogs
- Search for books and other content available from Thomas Library.
- OhioLINK
- Search for books and other content available from other academic libraries in Ohio. Allow 3-5 business days for shipping!
- WorldCat
- Search for books and other content not available from Thomas Library or OhioLINK. Fill out Interlibrary Loan request form (see below). Allow 7-14 business days for shipping.
Finding Articles
- MLA Bibliography
- Search this database for articles on literature and language.
- JSTOR stands for Journal STORage...which means the most recent 2-5 years of a journal may not be included here. There are still great scholarly articles here - just be sure to also consult another research database for more recent research.
- Women's Studies International
- Search the latest scholarship in feminist research.
- Literary Reference Center
- Search literary journals, books and reference works.
Interlibrary Loan
- Book Requests
- Fill out this form to request a book not available in EZRA or OhioLINK.
- Article Requests
- Fill out this form to request articles not available at Wittenberg (neither in print nor electronically). If an OhioLINK library has the article you need, fill out this interlibrary loan request form. You cannot request articles on OhioLINK.
- You will be notified via your Wittenberg email when your interlibrary loan is available for pickup. It may take between 7-14 business days.
Citing your sources
- Purdue Owl
- This well-respected site has information about citing your sources and formatting your paper in both MLA and APA styles.
People Help
- Kristen Peters
- Email me with any questions or to make an appointment to talk about your research.
- Wittenberg Writing Center
- Make an appointment to talk about your writing or your works cited.