A Selected List of Reference Books for Research
A. Bibliographies with Broad Scope
Bibliography of Asian Studies online, via the Wittenberg Library web page - covers 1971
to date.
Bibliography of Asian Studies. Annual. 1956-91. Ref. DS5 .B52
Cumulative Bibliography of Asian Studies 1941?1965.
Subject Bibliography covers 1941-1970 (7 vols.)
Author Bibliography covers 1941-1965 (4 vols.)
China Bibliography. Ref. DS706 .Z87 1995
China. World Bibliographical Series.Ref. DS735.H39 1997
A Guide to Reference Books for Japanese Studies. DS806.G82 1997
Japanese Studies from Pre-History to 1990. DS806.J36 1992
Area Bibliography of Japan. Ref. DS806.K86 1998
Japan. Ref. DS806.S475 1989
Japanese History and Culture from Ancient to Modern Times.Ref. DS835 .D69 1995
A Guide to Reference Books for Japanese Studies. Z3306.G82 1989
Studies on Korea: A Scholar's Guide. DS902.S75
B. On Specific Topics
Bibliography on East Asian Religion and Philosophy. BL51 .B74 2001
Guide to Buddhist Religion. BQ4012.R48
Christianity in China. BR1285.C46 1989
The Wars in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos 1945-1982 Ref. DS557.7 .B87 1984
Chinese Studies in English. DS706.N33 1991
China during the Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976. DS778.7 .C37 1999
Culture and Society of Hong Kong: a Bibliography. DS796.H75 C85 1999
Taiwan. DS799.J3 1984
The Yanagita Kunio Guide to the Japanese Folk Tale. GR340.N52213 1986
Consists of story summaries plus bibliography and commentary.
Land Tenure and Agrarian Reform in East and Southeast Asia. HD910.5 .W57 1980
Postwar Industrial Policy in Japan. HD3616.J33 B63 1988
Women in Japanese Society. HQ1762.H82 1992
Women in China. HQ1767.W44 1984
Korean and Japanese Women. (1982) HQ1765.5 .K6 K63
Political Parties of Asia and the Pacific. Ref. JQ39.A45 P64 1985
Chinese Music. ML120.C5 L5 1979
Japanese Music: An Annotated Bibliography. ML120.J3 T8 1986
The Princeton Companion to Classical Japanese Literature. Ref. PL726.1 .M495 1985
Japanese Women Fiction Writers: Their Culture and Society,
1890s to 1990s: English Language Sources. PL747.65 .F35 2002
Asian Theatre. 1979 PN2860.A84
Nationalism in East Asia. 1981 Ref. Z3001.N37
The Allied Occupation of Japan, 1945-1952. 1974 Z3308.A5 W35
A. General
International Who’s Who 2002. Ref. CT 120.I5 2004
B. China
Eminent Chinese of the Ch'ing Period, (1644-1912). 1943 DS734.U65
Dictionary of Ming Biography, 1368-1644. DS753.5 .A34 1976
Political Leaders of Modern China. Ref. DS755.3 .P64 2002
Who's Who in the People's Republic of China. 1981 Ref. DS778.A1 B33/f
Biographical Dictionary of Republican China. 1967-79 Ref. DS778.A1 B5
Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Communism, 1921-1965. Ref. DS778.A1 K55 1971
Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women: the Qing Period, 1644-1911.
Ref. HQ1767.5 .A3 B56 1998
Notable Women of China: Shang Dynasty to the Early Twentieth Century.
HQ1767.5 .A3 N68 2000
China's New Party Leadership. JQ1519.A5 B32 1985
C. Japan
Biographical Dictionary of Japanese History. 1978 Ref. DS834.B56
Dictionary of Japanese Artists: Sculpture, Ceramics, Prints, Lacquer. 1976
Biographical Dictionary of Japanese Literature. 1976 Ref. PL723.B5
Modern Japanese Writers. Ref. PL723. M563 2001
Japanese Women Writers: A Bio-Critical Sourcebook. Ref. PL725.J37 1994
Modern Japanese Novelists: A Biographical Dictionary. PL747.55.L48 1993
Japanese Fiction Writers, 1868-1945. Ref. PN501.D5 v. 180
Japanese Fiction Writers since World War II. Ref. PN501.D5 vol. 182
D. Korea
Who's Who in Korean Literature. Ref. PL957.7 .H36 1996
A. China
Cultural Atlas of China. DS721.B56 1998/f
State of China Atlas Ref. G2305.B4 1999
The Times Atlas of China. 1974 Ref. G2305.T47/f
The Population Atlas of China. Ref. G2306.E2 P6 1987/ff On Atlas Case
The National Economic Atlas of China.Ref. G2306.G1 N3 1994
An Historical Atlas of China. 1966 Ref. G2306.S1 H4
B. Japan
Atlas of Japan: Physical, Economic and Social.Ref. G2355.K65 1974/f
The National Atlas of Japan. Ref. G3355.K57 1977 On Atlas Case
A. Asia
Encyclopedia of Eastern Philosophy and Religion: Buddhism, Taoism, Zen, Hinduism.
Ref. BL1005.L4813 1994
A to Z of Buddhism. Ref. BQ130.P73 2001
Historical Dictionary of Buddhism. BQ130.P74 1993
Encyclopedia of Modern Asia. 6 vols. Ref. DS4 .L48 2002
Encyclopedia of Asian History. 4 vols. Ref. DS31.E53 1987
The Asian Political Dictionary. Ref. DS31.Z57 1985
Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War. 3 vols. Ref. DS557.7 .E53 1998
A Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Oriental Arts. 1969 N7260 .P5
Volume 1 (in four parts): China
Volumes 2 (in 2 parts): Japan
Volume 3: Korea
Dictionary of Chinese and Japanese Art. Ref. N7340.M78 1981
The New Tibetan-English Dictionary of Modern Tibet. Ref. PL3637.E5 N48 2001
B. China
A Dictionary of Chinese Mythology. Ref. BL1801.W35 1961
Encyclopedia of China: The Essential Reference to China, Its History and Culture.
Ref. DS705.P47 1999
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China. 1982 Ref. DS705.C35
Information China: the Comprehensive and Authoritative Reference Source of New China.
3 vols. Ref DS706.I5 1988
Science and civilisation in China, by Joseph Needham. Multivolume set.
Main Stacks DS721 .N39
China: A Historical and Cultural Dictionary Ref. DS733.C58523 1998
Cambridge History of China. Multivolume Set. Main Stacks DS735 .C3145
Modern China: A Guide to a Century of Change. Ref. DS774.H796 2001
Dictionary of the Politics of the People’s Republic of China. Ref. DS777.75 .D53 1998
Modern China: An Encyclopedia of History, Culture, and Nationalism. Ref. JC311.M54 1998
Dictionary of Chinese Law and Government. KQK .B5 1981
Dictionary of Chinese Proverbs. Ref. PL1273.R64 2002
Chinese language dictionaries:PL 1400s, in both Ref. and Main Stacks
Chung-Kuo Wen hsüeh Ta t'zu tien (A Dictionary of Chinese Literary Terms.)
PL2257.C48 1971
C. Japan
Historical Dictionary of Shinto. Ref. BL2216.1 .P53 2002
Kodansha Bilingual Encyclopedia of Japan. Ref. DS805.K6323 1998
Japan: An Illustrated Encyclopedia. 2 vols. Ref. DS805.J263 1993
Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan. 9 vols. Ref. DS805.K633 1983
Dictionary of Japanese Culture. Ref. DS805.K636 1991
Modern Japan: An Encyclopedia of History, Culture, and Nationalism.
Ref. DS805.M63 1998
Encyclopedia of Contemporary Japanese Culture. Ref. DS822.5 .E516 2002
Concise Dictionary of Modern Japanese History. Ref. DS881.9 .H46 1984
Historical Dictionary of Tokyo. Ref. DS896.1 .C93 1997
Historical Dictionary of Osaka and Kyoto. DS897.O814 R67 1999
Japanese language dictionaries: PL670s, in both Ref. and Main Stacks
Nihon kikuto daijiten. 10 vols. Ref. PL675.N46 1979
Kabuki Encyclopedia. 1979 PN2924.5 .K3 L44
What’s What in Japanese Restaurants: a Guide to Ordering, Eating, and Enjoying.
TX910.J3 S39 1996
D. Korea
Encyclopedia of the Korean War. 3 vols. Ref. DS918.E53 2000
Standard Korean-English Dictionary for Foreigners: Romanized. Ref. PL937.E5 S7 1991
A. Asia
Columbia Chronologies of Asian History and Culture. Ref. DS33 .C63 2000
International Historical Statistics: Africa, Asia, & Oceania 1750-1993.
Ref. HA4675.M552 1998
B. China
China: A Country Study. Area Handbook Series. DS706.C489 1988
China Facts and Figures Annual. 1878- Ref. DS779.15 .C48
Witt has current five years in Ref.; the rest, back to 1978 are in Ref. Storage.
China Handbook. (Regional Handbooks of Economic Development)
HC427.92 .C565243 1997
C. Japan
Japan: A Country Study. Area Handbook Series. DS806.J223 1991
D. Korea
Facts about Korea. DS902.F33 1993
South Korea: A Country Study. Area Handbook Series. DS902.S68 1992
North Korea: A Political Handbook. 1983 DS932.A76
North Korea: A Country Study. Area Handbook Series. DS932.N662 1994
VI. HELPFUL GENERAL WORKS (Including But Not Limited to East Asia)
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 10 vols. Ref. B51.R68 1998
Encyclopedia of Religion. 16 vols. Ref. BL31.E46 1986
Encyclopedia of Women and World Religion. 2 vols. Ref. B458.E53 1999
Encyclopedia of World Cultures. 10 vols. 1991-94 Ref. GN307.E53
Volume 5: East and Southeast Asia
Volume 6 part 2: Cultures of China
Encyclopedia of Food and Culture. 3 vols. Ref. GT2850.E53
Holidays, Festivals, and Celebrations of the World Dictionary Ref. GT3925.T46 1994
International Encyclopedia of Dance. 6 vols. Ref. GV1585.I586 1998
International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. 26 vols.
Ref. H41.I58 2001
Statistical Yearbook/Annuaire Statistique. 1951- . Ref. HA12.5 .U63
Current five years are shelved in Ref.; others, back to 1951, are shelved in Ref. Storage.
International Historical Statistics: Africa, Asia & Oceania 1750 -1993.
Ref. HA4675.M552 1998
Statesman's Yearbook: Statistical and Historical Annual. . . 1864- . Ref. JA51.S7
Current five years are shelved in Ref.; the rest, back to 1925, are in Ref. Storage.
Legal Systems of the World. 4 vols. Ref. K48.L44 2002
World Education Encyclopedia. 2nd. ed., 3 vols. Ref. LB15.W87 2001
The Dictionary of Art. 34 vols. Ref. N31.D5 1996
Compiled by Regina Entorf, Wittenberg University Library
Last revised 6-4-07/RPE