Asia-Pacific Network: Links - An excellent, extensive list of links. Good starting point.
Asian Historical Architecture: A Photographic Survey -
"The site contains over 6450 photos of 457 sites across seventeen countries. . .
Confucianism, or Hinduism. From the site's homepage, visitors can click on
any one of the seventeen countries covered here, and look for various items
of interest. . . There are numerous clickable maps of large urban areas, which
visitors can use to locate specific landscapes or other aspects of the built
environment." (Scout Report)
AsiaSource - Includes special reports (e.g. AIDS in Asia), AsiaTODAY, AsiaBUSINESS, AsiaFOOD, AsiaLINKS, AsiaREFERENCE, plus maps & statistics, and more.
Asiaweek -
Council on East Asian Libraries - Numerous links to online resources for the countries of East Asia
East Asia WWW Virtual Library - Links to catalogs of East Asia web resources, including listservs and institutions.
Global Beat - Sponsored by the Center for War, Peace, and the News Media at NYU, this site contains analysis, full text of background documents, and links for current affairs issues.
News and Newspapers Online - Provides links to newspapers from all over the world.
Online Sino-Tibetan Dictionaries - Contains a very large number of links to online dictionaries, including Tibetan, Taiwanese, Japanese, and Hungarian.
SARS Epidemic - Provides up-to-date general news and information.
Tibetan Buddhist Resources Center - an archive of Tibetan biographical and bibliographical data.
Tibetan Grammar and Phrasebook -
Tibetan Visual History Online - A searchable archive of photographs taken between 1908 and 1950.
UCLA Asian Studies Resources - "includes a catalog of K-12 curriculum materials, information on educational films on Asia, statistical information on Asia. . ."
World Factbook - from the CIA
Internet Guide for China Studies - From the Institute of Chinese Studies at Heidelberg University, this is an
excellent and extensive list of links on everything from film to philology.
Beijing Scene E-Journal - Aimed at young foreigners living in Beijing.
Center of Research on Education in China - Covers all aspects of education in contemporary China.
China Daily - Newspaper in English.
China Leadership Monitor - Based at the Hoover Institution, the China Leadership Monitor is a publication that “seeks to inform the American foreign policy community about current trends in China’s leadership politics and in its foreign and domestic policies.†(Scout Report)
China News Digest - News and cultural site, in both Chinese and English.
China Portal - from Library of Congress
China Project - China's Economy -
China Statistical Information Network - Statistics, in English, from the Chinese government.
China the Beautiful: Classical Chinese Art, Calligraphy, Poetry, History, Literature, Painting, and Philosophy - Tons of links, to full text, images, narrative, more links. . .
China Vitae - Online Biographical Database
Chinese Academic Articles Service - "the Digital Document Delivery Center [East Asian Library, U. of Pittsburgh] provodes free delivery of full-text copies of Chinese-language academic journal articles to any researcher in the United States."
Chinese Embassy in DC - with links to information about China, News, politics & government, economy & trade, travel information, and more.
Chinese History Research Site - From UCSD, this site provides sections on resources, archives, bibliography, research, and lots of links to China-related web sites, including online catalogs of East Asian libraries throughout the world. Focus in on Qing, Republican, and PRC history.
Chinese Literature - Has links to sites of Chinese e-texts, poetry, mythology, and more.
Chinese Military Power - Includes a gateway to full-text online analyses and research tools, articles, reports, and government documents.
Classical Chinese Literature - 7 Chinese classical texts "with each character hyperlinked to its definition and etymology."
Classical Chinese Poetry - "Presents Chinese texts and English translations of classical Chinese poems, with audio versions of some.
Daoist Studies - Includes a bibliography, research guide, and other links.
Global Legal Information Network - China. From the Library of Congress Includes the Constitution
as well as the executive, judicial and legislative branches of government, plus legal guides.
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online - "This is a full-text image database providing access to past revised editions of Hong Kong Laws. The database comprises a total of six consolidations of the laws of Hong Kong: 1890, 1901, 1912, 1923, 1937, 1950, and 1964 (last updated to 1989). With the current Laws of Hong Kong available on the web, the Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online database rightly fills the gap in legal research on the historical development of the law of Hong Kong."
Human Rights in China - (organization)
Inside China Today - a global online community.
The Internet Guide for Chinese Studies (IGCS) provides extensive links to websites on Chinese Studies.
Modern Chinese Literature & Culture Resource Center - Includes translations of modern Chinese literature, bibliographies of literary and media studies, visual arts, education, and music; links to websites of important journals in the filed. Based at the Ohio State University.
Republic of China Government Information Office - Provides a country overview, including current events, biographies of key government officials, travel information, statistical data, etc.
Sina - Good source for Chinese news.
Taiwan Portal - From Library of Congress
Treaty Ports & Extraterritoriality in 1920s China - Lots of information here on issues like extraterritoriality, foreign colonies, foreign armed forces in China, termination of treaty rights. Also has maps.
Anime - "a collection of writing on anime and manga".
Asahi Shimbun - Major Japanese newspaper.
Background to Noh and Kyogen - Has background, images, training opportunities, and more.
Bibliography of Japanese History Up To 1912 - Revised edition of Peter Kornicki's 1996 bibliography.
Embassy of Japan to the US - includes links about culture & education, travel & visa information, and news.
Floating World of Ukiyo-e - "A showcase of [the Library of Congress's ] spectacular holdings of Japanese prints, books, and drawings from the 17th to the 19th centuries", with explanations and sources for further reading.
For Teachers of Japanese - Includes links to bookstores, newspapers, study abroad programs, learning resources.
Global Legal Information Network - Japan. From the Library of Congress, this site includes the Constitution
as well as the executive, judicial and legislative branches of government, plus legal guides.
Japan Foundation - includes program information, databases for promoting international cultural exchange.
Japan Public Opinion - Dating from 1990 to present, this searchable database contains more that
10,000 questions and answers in English, on a wide variety of topics, from the Roper Center.
Japanese Journals Information Web - Facilitates "access to tables of contents of current Japanese journals and magazines. . Includes romanized information, but requires software that can display Japanese text."
Japanese Legal Research - An annotated overview of materials available on the Internet and in books.
Japanese Text Initiative - From the University of Virginia, this site features online full text of Japanese literature, and also Japanese-English dictionaries.
Japan’s Pop Power [Real Player] - This web site "takes visitors inside the world of Japan’s pop culture
products, with stops to visit an anime convention and such. Utilizing a visual interface that resembles a typical manga comic book, visitors can look through the available audio segments, or listen to the program in its
entirety. The site is rounded out by a selection of links and resources that will be of interest to those who are seeking more material on the world of contemporary popular culture in Japan." [KMG, Scout Report]
Literature section of Mitsuharu Matsuoka's Japan, My Japan - Lots of good links.
National Census 2000 - Data in Japanese from the Statistics Bureau & Statistics Center of Japan. Requires software that can display Japanese text.
National Clearinghouse for U.S.-Japan Studies - The clearinghouse provides a searchable lesson plan database, a section that includes opportunities for students as well as online games and activities, a news section, and a section of general information about Japan. This is an excellent web site, except that its funding ran out and it has not been updated since December 2005.
National Diet Library. International Library of Children's Literature. "...provides internationally linked library services for children's literature and related materials published in Japan and in other countries."
Nara National Museum - Information about the museum and its collections, with lots of images.
Ogura Hyakunin Isshu - 100 Poems by 100 Poets - includes texts, woodblock prints, and searching capability.
Old Photos of Japan - Over 5000 images taken in Japan 1860-1920.
Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet - Includes links to current news and important speeches, as well as to the Cabinet, the Constitution, policy initiatives, statistics and to the Japan Information Network (an introduction to Japan in English), and daily news.
Schauwecker's Guide to Japan Literature - Includes a Literary Hot List of links to Japanese
Literature web sites, and also a history of Japanese literature and a section on Japanese
Web Japan - This "Gateway for all Japanese Information", which can be read in Japanese or English, provides a categorized list of over 3,500 websites providing information on Japan.
A Blueprint for U.S. Policy in a United Korea - PDF of a 62-page working paper released in August 2002 by
the Center for Strategic International Studies. (Education About Asia, 7(3) p. 60)
Embassy of the Republic of Korea to the US - with links to information about South Korea, its issues & policies, news, business, and travel.
Korea Times - South Korean newspaper.
Korean Government Homepage - From the South Korean government, this site provides links to governmental and private sites, plus access to articles on Korean culture, economy, and the arts.
Korean History Bibliography - Updates the 1980 publication Studies on Korea: A Scholar's Guide (Main stacks DS902.S75)
Korean Links - Consists entirely of links.
Korean Literature Today - Gives access to archived editions of the journal Korean Literature Today.
Society of Korean American Scholars -
Note: Some of the annotations above are quoted or adapted from "Asia Resources on the World Wide Web", a regular feature by Raymond Lum, in the Asian Studies Newsletter.
Compiled by Regina Entorf, Wittenberg University Library
Last updated 6-4-07/RPE