Can You Believe This? Religion, Science and Human Understanding

February 14, 2024
Start Time: 4:30 pm
Founders Pub; Benham-Pence Student Center

Inspired by the work of colleagues and viewed as a way to engage students in ongoing exploration of how the various disciplines at Wittenberg contribute to broader understanding of topics of social focus and concern, the series will be moderated by Ross Jackson, assistant professor of business and economics and program director of the University’s graduate program in analytics.

Joining Jackson in the Liberal Arts Potential & Power series will be three-to-four faculty members. Each will begin with a brief introduction of the topic and the participants, followed by a five-minute discussion of the topic from each participant’s perspective. After any brief discussion, the floor will open to questions from the audience. Each panel discussion will be approximately 45 minutes to an hour with refreshments and casual conversation following each event.

Event Flyer

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